College and University Sports Coverage

What is it?

Group Blanket Accident Insurance for Athletic participants designed to help meet the specific needs of the College or University. This insurance provides benefits to athletes during a school's regularly scheduled, sponsored and supervised athletic activities to help with medical expenses that occur as the result of an accident.

How does it work?

Schools work in conjunction with an agent to customize a program that helps fulfill the needs of the school. Maximum limits of up to $90,000 and are supplemental to athlete's primary health insurance. Schools can choose various deductibles and benefit levels for one or two years.

Why do schools need it?

This coverage can help athletes mitigate financial hardship that may occur due to an accident. It can help athletes to get back on their feet and back to school.

3 Things to Know


Expanded coverage available for overuse, repetitive stress or overexertion injuries


Extended coverage available for expenses not covered by HMO/PPO


Lifetime catastrophic coverages up to $1,000,000

What does it cover for students?

  • All sports can be covered
  • Student Managers and Trainers can be included

**This product and its features are subject to state availability and may vary by state. Certain exclusions and limitations may apply. For cost and complete details of coverage, please contact us or your agent. Please call the Life and Health Sales Department at 1-800-323-6907 for complete details. Click here to view product disclosures and statistic sources.

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